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I’m On Observation Duty Game Online Free

Are you ready for the exciting horror that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish? Your mission is clear – monitor the cameras to spot any anomalies in the house. But what will happen, when it spots you?

The emergency

The game begins when you receive an emergency message. There have been a bunch of different anomalies recently. And you need to find them all and clean the area. You play as a worker of the special agency who has been tasked with watching over different houses and ensuring that everything runs smoothly. And soon you discover that something is not quite right.

As you begin your shift, you are given access to the live cameras of a certain house. From there, you must keep a close eye on these cameras that are set up around the building. Your job is to spot any suspicious activity that might indicate that something is amiss.

Don’t worry, you are part of the team who just needs to watch the cameras and find all suspicious activities. And another team will come and fix the anomaly. But that doesn’t mean the game is easy and boring. Because sometimes you may see something terrifying look right at you.

What’s waiting for you in these houses?

As you continue to monitor the cameras, you start to notice strange things happening around the building. Doors open and close on their own. Furniture moves around, strange shadows appear on the carpets. The light starts flashing, and the paintings become strange.

At first, these anomalies might seem harmless. But as the game progresses, they become more and more sinister. To the point when you may look at the real person sitting on the couch with enormously long arms or huge eyes.
Before long, you will encounter otherworldly intruders who have somehow managed to make their way into this house. These creatures are incredibly dangerous. So you need to quickly do something to navigate the cleaning team into the place where you spotted it.

How to play?

So you found something unusual in a room. Click on the special button to file a report. Pick the room where you discovered the anomaly. Choose the type of it. It can be a missing object, painting anomaly or scary shadow. And wait for the special team to check this place and clean everything.

As you watch the cameras, you never know what you might see, and this uncertainty adds to the overall sense of dread and fear. But you need to always be ready to act. Pay attention to all the details in every room. Memorize the places where the furniture is standing. And use different hacks to help yourself identify the paranormal activity.

The more you play, the more dangerous and terrifying activities start to happen. The gameplay may seem simple to you. But when you are waiting for the cleaning team watching this creepy monster looking at you, goosebumps run down your back.

Choose a version of I’m On Observation Duty on this site and press the start button. The controls are simple both on pc and other devices, so you can quickly begin inspecting the first building without preparations!